“Organic Food” is a generic term searched for many thousands of times in a week. is a perfect match to this search term, and therefore shows very prominently in the Google free listings. It has done so since 1997;

Check this by clicking on the link below:

Its page rank in the Google free listings for the search term is above ALL of the major organic retailers – Ocado, Waitrose, Abel and Cole, Riverford, Wholefood market and ALL of the supermarkets.

The Soil Association also ranks below it, as does the BBC and the Food standards agency!

Users know the search term, and will consequently have very precise ideas regarding the products and services to be expected on the website.

Due to the term’s familiarity, the likelihood of spelling mistakes is reduced to a minimum, and also the user is able to memorise the keyword.This increases chances your customers will visit your website over and over again.


The site benefits from over 2100 direct backlinks, PLUS many more outbound Links on backlink giving web pages:

This can be verified here: offers astonishing business potential!

Sensible offers are invited for this top level domain name.

I look forward to hearing from you!













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